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Somewhere in Time

the piano artistry of
Kit Samson

It's Yesterday Once More! Friday, May 27, 2005 at Manoa Grand Ballroom. More info.
Honolulu Advertiser, Wayne Harada, May 27, 2005.

Kit Samson has been invited to perform at President Geoge W. Bush's Inaugural Ball in Washington, D.C. on January 19, 2005. See you there! Honolulu Advertiser item.

“Kit Samson off to Japan...”
How Biz by Wayne Harada
Honolulu Advertiser
Nov. 13, 2003

“Kit Samson's strong...at Ship's Tavern...”
Wood Craft by Ben Wood
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Mar. 29, 2003

“'Somewhere in Time' is a work of art in more ways than one.”
Wood Craft by Ben Wood
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Jan. 13, 2001

“Kit Samson has long endeared himself to this town as a
versatile keyboarder and the mastermind of
Kit Samson's Sound Advice.”
Wayne Harada
Honolulu Advertiser
Jan. 6, 2001

“In the hands of Kit Samson, memorable melodies are
reprised here with a fresh breath of artistry and creativity.”
Roy Fukushima
General Manager
Tower Records
Honolulu, Hawaii

“Kit Samson is one of the U.S.'s real musical treasures.
His keyboard mastery produces some of the most beautiful
music we've heard. We travel all the way from Boston to
Honolulu to hear him. This Album is vintage.”
Prof. Samuel L. Hayes
Harvard Business School and
New England Conservatory of Music Trustee

“Reveals another side of Kit's talent: astonishing departure
from his highly successful upbeat dance music. He takes us
into another world of melody where all chords are resolved
and all is harmony. In this atmosphere of classical infusions
there is no stress and young lovers hold hands while they
gaze at the moon and the stars.”
George Cassarno

Photos by : Eugene Kam
Art and layout: Corky Trinidad
Recorded at : Pierre Grill's Rendezvous Recording
All songs arranged by: Kit Samson
Additional strings and reeds: Kit Samson and Pierre Grill
A Song for my Mother: A song written by Kit for his mother, Celiz Samson
To Love Again was based on Chopin's immortal E flat Nocturne,the main theme
for the movie classic “The Eddie Duchin Story.” Kit pays tribute to Eddy Duchin
and the inimitable stylings of Carmen Cavalerro

© 2000 Kit Samson. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the U.S.A. by Samsonata Records,
1004 Waieli St. Honolulu HI 96821. Tel/Fax: (808) 373-3057 E-Mail: samsonata@aol.com

© 2003 Samsonata Records